The Cornovii Trust End-of-term Newsletter
Bones and Funnybones in Robins Class!
Marvellous Maths in Sparrows Class!
Stars of the Week
Children in Need Day Success!
Owls Class Assembly
Blackbirds Class Measuring Clouds!
Snow Day Fun!
Year 6 Safeguarding Ambassadors at the Conference
Children in Need reminder
Halloween Fun in Sparrows Class!
Creative Fun in Blackbirds' Art Lessons!
Eagles Class Assembly Success!
Guide Dog Competition Winners
A Special RE Session with Aslan!
Well Done to Our Y5/6 Football Team!
Phonics Stay and Learn Success!
KS1 Eco Club Caring for Wildlife!
Another Successful Football Afternoon!
Robins Listening Superstars!
Colourful Science in Year 6!
Science Magic... or is it?
Year 6 Buddies to the Rescue!
Puffins' Starry Night Creations!
Year 3 & 4 Football Superstars!