Blackbirds 2024 - 2025
Mrs Mckenzie
Mrs Armitt
Welcome to Blackbirds Class
We are a Year 3/4 class taught by Mrs Mckenzie and Mrs Armitt.
This is what we will be learning in the Spring term:
Number – Multiplication and Division; Measurement – Length and Perimeter;
Number – Fractions; Measurement – Mass and Capacity
Number – Multiplication and Division; Measurement – Length and Perimeter;
Number – Fractions (including decimals and percentages)
We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types using high quality texts.
The children will write a myth narrative and an instructional guide for defeating a Viking monster inspired by Arthur & The Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton.
Then we will be creating a twisted narrative and a persuasive letter. These will be inspired by the book The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy.
We will be focusing on expanding noun phrases by modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositions; using commas after fronted adverbials; apostrophes for possession (plural nouns); and inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech.
In addition, we will have regular ’Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar’ sessions and we will have weekly Guided Reading and Handwriting sessions.
States of Matter
This ‘States of Matter’ unit the children will be learning about the differences between solids, liquids and gases, classifying objects and identifying their properties. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate the weight of a gas. Furthermore, they will have chance to find the ideal temperature to melt chocolate.
Animals Including Humans
Children will expand on their learning about how animals, including humans, need to get nutrition from what they eat. They will explore the different organs of the digestive system in humans and the functions of teeth in both humans and animals. Firstly, children will learn about the different types of teeth and the importance of good dental hygiene, before planning and carrying out an investigation into tooth decay using an egg as a model tooth. They will then learn about the parts and functions of individual organs of the human digestive system and carry out their own scientific demonstration of the process using everyday household items.
Riotous Royalty
Blackbirds class will be learning about William the Conqueror’s reign from 1066 onwards, how King John made himself very unpopular as monarch and why King Henry VIII married so many times. This unit also teaches the children who Queen Anne was, what Queen Victoria achieved during her reign and look at the role of the British monarchy today.
The children will take a closer look at the mysteries of tropical rainforests. From the layers of the forest and its animal inhabitants, to the unique climate found in the tropics. They will compare a British forest with the Amazon rainforest, and begin to explore some of the conservation issues surrounding the destruction of rainforest habitats.
Coding with Scratch: Learning Loops
The children will develop their coding skills by learning about loops. Children will use visual coding blocks within the online programming platform, Scratch, to write algorithms. They will learn about the three different sorts of loops available in Scratch: the count-controlled repeat loop, the forever loop and the repeat until loop. They will begin to recognise when to use each type of loop and will be introduced to nested loops.
As they write algorithms in Scratch, children will have the opportunity to test their code and debug as required. After learning about all three loops, children will be encouraged to apply their knowledge and skills in a final project to create a simple catching game in Scratch. As part of their game, children will learn about using variables to create a scoring system.
Programming Turtle Logo
The children will learn how to create an algorithm to program a procedure. Lessons are designed to be used with online programs such as Turtle Logo/Logo Interpreter or MSWLogo. Children are reminded of the basic commands and how to repeat alongside a variable. The children are then shown how to program their own procedures, use colour and set the position of the turtle using coordinates. Finally, the children will use the arc command to create patterns using different shapes and randomly selected colours, which they are encouraged to share with the rest of the class.
British Art
In our Art lessons the children will learn about how to use a range of media for making portraits: how to make ‘sensory’ boxes, create abstract ‘cut ups’, tell stories in pictures and write memory postcards to create quality artwork that shows progression in skills. The children will also have the opportunity to explore the work of British artists Thomas Gainsborough, Lucian Freud, Howard Hodgkin, Anish Kapoor, Paula Rego and Sonia Boyce.
Design and Technology:
Juggling Balls
In D.T the children will be learning how to make juggling balls. They will start by exploring and evaluating different juggling balls. The children are then given a design brief, asking them to design and make a circus themed juggling ball. A hemming and overcast stitch will be introduced during this unit. The children will learn about decoration techniques; getting the chance to use tie-dye and fabric paints. Finally, when they have completed the making of their juggling ball, the children will evaluate their product against design criteria.
Religious Education:
God, the World & Self. Personal worldview in wider world
We will be learning about how people of religious / non-religious worldviews respond to poverty.
The children will be learning about Easter, the concept of salvation and exploring whether forgiveness is always possible for Christians.
Our School
In French this term, the children will learn the vocabulary for school places and classroom objects; they will take part in a PE-themed lesson conducted mostly in French and will combine learning to express preferences about activities and school subjects.
Building, Around the World, Ancient Worlds and Singing Spanish
Through the units above, the children will learn about different music textures; explore pentatonic melodies and syncopated rhythms; explore 20th century minimalist music and compose music using a layered pyramid structure; and explore part-singing and accompaniments in contrasting songs.
Think Positive: The children will build on what they have already learnt about feelings, both positive and negative and how our attitude towards life can affect our mental health. They will explore themes such as thinking positively and calmly, managing difficult emotions, taking responsibility for decisions and developing a growth mindset approach to learning.
Digital Wellbeing: The children will consider what we use the Internet for and the benefits and risks of online activities. They will learn about screentime and getting a healthy balance between online and offline activities. The children will learn about online relationships, including cyberbullying and online stranger danger. Privacy issues will be explored in terms of passwords, personal information and the sharing or forwarding of images and videos. They will also learn about pressures and challenges that are often associated with social media.
Safety First: The children will consider what it means to take responsibility for their own safety. This will include the decisions they make and how they can stand up to peer pressure in a range of situations. They will learn about everyday risks, hazards and dangers and what to do in risky or dangerous situations. The children will also learn about road safety and dangerous substances; drugs (including medicines), cigarettes and alcohol. They will look at e-Safety, considering what should never be shared and how to report any concerns about online incidents.
VIPs (Very Important Persons): The children will look at friendships, how friendships are formed and maintained, and the qualities of a good friend. They will then move on to explore disputes and bullying and will address strategies for coping with each of these.
Physical Education:
Outdoor P.E. days are on Mondays and indoor P.E. is on a Tuesday.
Hockey and Badminton
In hockey, the children will learn how to pass, receive and travel with the ball as well as tackle and shoot. They will develop their understanding of the principles of attacking and defending in invasion games. In badminton, the children will learn a variety of different net and wall techniques. They will learn to put together racket skills, footwork steps and attack and defence skills to use in a full match.
The sessions will be led by a Sport’s Coach.
Circuit Training and Dance
The children will explore different types of exercise, participating in a range of activities that focus on the upper body, lower body and core muscles. They will learn about aerobic and anaerobic exercise and will be asked to continually consider the benefits gained through participating in these. The Dance sessions will be based around a unit of work titled Carnival of the Animals.
On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.
Maths: Maths homework will be set via Class Dojo on a Wednesday (Y3) and on a Friday (Y4) to be completed by the following week. It is so important to practise Times Tables Rockstars as this will really help your child with later Maths topics of Fractions, Perimeter, Money and Time. Our aim is to improve instant recall of key multiplication and related division facts.
English: English homework will be set via Class Dojo on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. We ask that the children also engage frequently with Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.
Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. Children will be able to select from or will be provided with quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.