Eagles 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lawton

Mrs Tyrrell

Welcome to Eagles Class


We are a Year 6 class who are taught by Mrs Lawton and Mrs Tyrrell, supported by Miss Grindley and Mr Richards.

This is what we will be learning about in the Spring term:



Ratio: Add or multiply; Use ratio language; Introduction to the ratio symbol; Ratio and fractions; Scale drawing; Use scale factors; Similar shapes; Ratio problems

Algebra:  1-step and 2-step functions; Form expressions; Substitution; Formulae; Form equations; Solving equations; Find pairs of values

Decimals: Place value; Round decimals; Add and subtract decimals; Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; Multiply and divide decimals by integers

Fractions, decimals and Percentages: Decimal and fraction equivalents; Fractions as division; Understand percentages; Fractions to percentages; Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages; Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages; Percentages of an amount

Area, perimeter and volume: Area and perimeter; Area of a triangle; Area of a parallelogram; Volume

Statistics: Line graphs; Dual bar charts; Read and interpret pie charts; Pie charts with percentages; Draw pie charts; The mean


We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types using high quality texts.

Firstly, the children will write a discovery narrative and an explanation text, using ‘On the Origins of the Species’ by Sabina Radeva, and Darwin: An Exceptional Voyage by Fabien Grolleau & Jeremie Royer.

The children will write a first-person description, suspense narrative, balanced argument and an information piece inspired by ‘The Ways of the Wolf’ and ‘The Wolves in the Wall’.



Animals including Humans

We will build on their knowledge and understanding of different systems within the body. They will research the parts and functions of the circulatory system. They will focus on how nutrients are transported around the human body. The children will explore how a healthy lifestyle supports the body to function and how different types of drugs affect the body.


Evolution and Inheritance

The children will learn about variation and adaptation. They will be able to explore how both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace separately developed their theories of evolution. They will examine the scientific evidence from plants and animals that has been gathered to support the theory of evolution. 



The Mayan Civilization

We will learn who the ancient Maya people were and where and when they lived. They will use maps and atlases to locate Maya cities and identify countries in Mesoamerica. In addition to this, they will learn about the religious beliefs and rituals of the ancient Maya people and find out more about some of the many gods they worshipped.



Our Changing World

The children will discover some of the many ways in which the world around them is changing. From coastal erosion to political changes, there are many factors at work. The children will learn about the structure of the United Kingdom and how its shape and geography have changed over thousands of years. Using an online database of photographs, children can explore how landscapes change.



Scratch Animated Stories

This unit is designed to help children in continuing to develop their skills in writing their own algorithms as well as editing and debugging existing codes. New skills are introduced to structure code and animate characters and scenes, gradually building to create a short-animated story.



The children will be using Kodu to:  follow instructions given in the Kodu programming environment; describe the actions of a sequence of Kodu commands; use tools to change the size of the ground and raise or lower the landscape; compose code into smaller parts and explain it in their own words; create a race track with an end goal for a game; and program a character to follow a path.



North America

The children will learn how to draw the other half of a famous image, make collage landscapes, create body abstracts, make ‘building block’ houses, draw patterned skulls and be an artist’s model to create quality artwork that shows progression in skills.


Design and Technology:

Super Seasonal Food

The children will have the opportunity to learn where, when and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. The children will then have the chance to sample some spring seasonal food before designing and making their own balanced seasonal meal.


Religious Eductation:


Theme: Beliefs and Meaning

Concept: Salvation

Key Question: Is anything ever eternal?



Theme: Easter

Concept: Gospel

Key Question: Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth? 



Growth & Roots

Through the use of Music Express, the children will focus on performance in two units Growth and Roots. The children will take learn through:

  1. Feeling and moving to a three-beat pulse and revising rhythmic ostinato
  2. Performing and improvising rhythmic and melodic ostinato
  3. Singing in harmony
  4. Learning about chords
  5. Performing music and dance
  6. Revising, rehearsing, and developing music for performance
  7. Exploring extended vocal techniques
  8. Developing a structure to combine sounds
  9. Creating musical effects using contrasting pitch
  10. Understanding the process of a musical performance


M.F.L. - French:

Let’s Go Shopping

The children will learn how to use the nuances of colour when describing the colours of clothes and how to use prepositional language. They will learn key phrases for asking the questions needed when going shopping.


Physical Education:

The children will have two P.E. sessions. Outdoor PE will be taught on a Tuesday. In the Spring term children will be working to improve their striking and fielding skills and techniques. Indoor PE will be taught on a Thursday. Lessons will include gymnastics.

On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.



Safety First

We will consider what it means to take responsibility for their own safety. They will assess the risk associated with different situations and learn about what to do if they feel in danger. They will also learn about how to identify an emergency, what to do in this situation and how to get help when needed.


VIPs (Very Important Persons)

The children will identify who their VIPs are within their families and friendship groups and how important kindness and respect are within these relationships. We will explore how to address conflicts and resolutions in relationships. They will also look at the secrets and dares as well as healthy and unhealthy relationships.



Maths: Maths homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Tuesday. We ask for all children to continue to access Times Table Rockstars online to practice and improve instant recall of key multiplication and related division facts.

English: English homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Wednesday to be completed by the following Tuesday. We ask that the children also engage frequently with Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.

Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. Children will be provided with quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.


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