Children at Weston enjoy a rich variety of experiences in Physical Education, which encourage them to adopt a lifelong commitment to a healthy, active and enjoyable lifestyle. They are encouraged to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body, and begin to understand those factors that affect health and fitness.

We provide a broad and rich physical education curriculum, which enables children to plan, participate in and evaluate work appropriate to their age and their needs, with increasing self-confidence.  It encourages the children to work independently and to respond appropriately to others irrespective of their age, gender, cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

Progressive learning objectives, combined with sympathetic and varied teaching approaches endeavour to provide stimulating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences for all children.

A balance of individual, paired and group activities with an emphasis on co-operation, collaboration or competitive situations aim to cater for the preferences, strengths and needs of every child. Such activities promote a broad base of movement knowledge, skills and understanding and gives them opportunities to develop their creative and expressive abilities.

Whilst retaining its unique contribution to a child’s movement education, physical education can also contribute to much wider areas of learning including the development of communication, maths, PSHE (including healthy lifestyles and mental wellbeing, and computing skills.

Physical Education is a vital component in the range of experiences offered to children in this school. This importance is reflected in the commitment to provide all children, in each year group, with at least two hours of high quality Physical Education per week.

Further to this, at Weston, we provide high-quality after school sports sessions, paid for by school. These are offered to all children and following assessment, is sometimes allocated to specific children. Children access expert coaching in areas such as gymnastics, football and yoga, which school staff observe and co-teach as part of their ongoing professional development and to secure the sustainability of this expert teaching.

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