English (Reading and Writing)

At Weston Village Primary School, we are committed to developing a lifelong love of reading and writing in all our pupils.



At Weston Village, our vision for reading is for every child to leave us at the end of Year 6 as a confident, proficient reader. They will have experienced an extensive and varied range of literature and developed the foundations for a lifelong love of reading. We aim to ensure all pupils become fluent readers who enjoy books and can discuss them with enthusiasm, critically analysing texts and expressing preferences with confidence. Reading for pleasure is a core priority, as we believe it plays a vital role in academic and personal success.


Phonics and Early Reading at Weston

We use the systematic synthetic phonics programme ‘Read Write Inc.’ (RWI) by Ruth Miskin to teach early reading and phonics in Reception and Year 1, with some children in Year 2 also accessing the programme. Children are regularly assessed and grouped according to their current phonics knowledge and skills, with fluid groupings to allow movement throughout the year. Sessions take place daily and are delivered by trained staff. In Key Stage 2, we use a bespoke catch-up approach for children with gaps in their phonics knowledge.

As children become secure in their phonics knowledge, generally no later than the spring term of Year 2, they progress to the RWI comprehension programme. These whole-class sessions help to develop broader reading skills, including inference and vocabulary, preparing children for engaging in guided reading sessions in Key Stage 2. Every child in Key Stage 2 participates in a weekly guided reading session as part of a small group, focusing on comprehension and critical thinking.

Children in Reception and Year 1 bring home corresponding RWI books weekly. These books are fully decodable and matched to their current phonics level, ensuring success and confidence in reading. These are supplemented with banded books for sharing with an adult or sibling to develop other reading skills, such as comprehension and the use of contextual cues. Parents are encouraged to strive for a minimum of 4 shared reading sessions per week to establish good reading habits and foster a love of books.

Once children progress beyond the structured reading scheme, they transition to guided book choices from our extensive school library and curated class collections. These books are carefully selected to broaden their literary horizons, expose them to different genres, and foster independence in selecting texts. Teachers support children in making choices that both challenge and engage them.

At the end of Year 1, all pupils take the national phonics screening check, and our results are consistently above the national average. This reflects our strong belief that every child can learn to read and our commitment to identifying and supporting pupils at risk of falling behind.


What Reading Looks Like at Weston

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, and all staff share a drive to help every child succeed. Here are some of the ways we achieve this:

  • High-quality first teaching, supported by effective training and clear policies.

  • Explicit teaching of comprehension skills through whole-class and small-group approaches, supported by initiatives like our “pawsome” reading gang and “Try New Text Thursday.”

  • A book-led English curriculum driven by “vehicle texts”—engaging, challenging literature that reinforces high expectations.

  • Language-rich environments in every classroom, from ambitious vocabulary displays to resources that support decoding skills.

  • Access to excellent texts, including the latest fiction, magazines, newspapers, and resources from the Education Library Service.

  • Reading buddies and trained phonics ambassadors who support younger pupils.

  • Daily reading opportunities, including shared reading, independent practice, and guided reading sessions focused on developing comprehension and critical thinking.

  • Effective assessment systems to identify and address gaps in reading, with tailored interventions such as additional daily reading sessions.

  • Celebrations of reading success, including special events like author visits and themed days.

  • A welcoming Key Stage 2 library, featuring themed book displays and a comfortable space for independent reading.

Teachers guide children’s reading choices using detailed class and individual records to ensure their reading is challenging, varied, and enjoyable. Termly assessments allow us to monitor progress and adjust the curriculum or interventions as necessary. Every class is read to daily, allowing children to experience high-quality literature and develop a shared love of stories.


Our reading curriculum aims to:

  • Develop confident, fluent readers who enjoy reading and can discuss books with enthusiasm.

  • Ensure all children make sustained progress, regardless of their starting points.

  • Equip pupils with the ability to comprehend, analyse, and evaluate a variety of texts.

  • Foster a lifelong love of reading that extends beyond the classroom.



At Weston Village Primary School, we aim to cultivate a love for writing, helping pupils to develop as articulate, creative, and confident authors. Writing is integral to communication and self-expression, and our curriculum empowers children to write for a variety of purposes and audiences. By embedding writing in meaningful contexts, we ensure children understand the value of their work, encouraging them to see themselves as authors who can influence and inspire others.

We strive to:

  • Foster creativity and confidence in writing.

  • Provide clear contexts and purposes for writing, making it meaningful and engaging.

  • Develop pupils’ ability to craft structured, well-organised, and cohesive pieces.

  • Build a wide-ranging vocabulary and instil a strong command of grammar and punctuation.

  • Encourage children to take ownership of the writing process, including planning, drafting, and editing.

  • Promote resilience and a growth mindset by celebrating progress and improvement.


Writing at Weston follows a systematic, text-based approach, where carefully chosen high-quality texts provide the foundation for developing writing skills. These texts are used as models to explore language, structure, and techniques, which children then apply in their own writing. Our curriculum is designed to build progressively on prior learning, ensuring that children develop mastery over time.

Early Years Foundation Stage: Writing begins with mark-making and develops through activities that encourage letter formation and early sentence construction. Role-play, storytelling, and hands-on experiences inspire children to write and explore language creatively.

Key Stage 1: Pupils build on early foundations by writing simple narratives, recounts, and descriptions. Writing tasks are often linked to cross-curricular themes, encouraging children to make connections between their learning and the wider world. Phonics is reinforced to ensure accurate spelling and confident transcription skills.

Key Stage 2: Writing becomes more complex, with pupils learning to write across a variety of genres, including persuasive texts, formal reports, and creative narratives. Lessons focus on developing specific writing techniques, such as using varied sentence structures and rich vocabulary. Pupils are guided through the writing process, from planning and drafting to editing and publishing.

Key features of our approach include:

  • Immersion in High-Quality Texts: Pupils study rich and diverse texts to understand how successful writing is constructed. This inspires their own compositions and exposes them to a broad range of genres and styles.

  • Explicit Grammar Teaching: Grammar and punctuation are taught within the context of writing, helping pupils to understand their practical application.

  • Scaffolded Learning: Teachers model writing processes and provide frameworks that support pupils in achieving high-quality outcomes.

  • Editing and Improvement: Pupils are encouraged to evaluate and refine their work, developing resilience and a commitment to excellence.

  • Cross-Curricular Links: Writing is embedded across the curriculum, providing meaningful opportunities to apply skills in different contexts.

  • Celebrating Success: Pupils’ writing is displayed, shared, and celebrated, helping to build confidence and pride in their achievements.


Through our writing curriculum, we aim to:

  • Develop confident, articulate writers who take pride in their work.

  • Ensure pupils can write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences.

  • Equip children with the skills to plan, draft, and edit their writing independently.

  • Instil a love for language and inspire creativity.

  • Prepare pupils for the demands of secondary education and beyond, ensuring they leave Weston with the skills to succeed.


Assessment in reading and writing is ongoing and integral to our teaching approach. Teachers use formative assessment daily to gauge pupils’ understanding and address misconceptions promptly. Summative assessments are conducted termly to track progress and inform planning. Writing is moderated within school and externally to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Effective marking and feedback celebrate success while providing specific, actionable next steps for improvement. Pupils are encouraged to assess their own work and set meaningful targets, developing self-regulation and a sense of ownership over their learning.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Termly tracking of progress in reading and writing.

  • Analysis of assessment data to identify trends and address gaps.

  • Pupil voice, discussing their learning experiences and confidence.

  • Work scrutiny to ensure progression and consistency.

  • Moderation within and beyond the school.

By the time pupils leave Weston Village Primary School, they will have experienced a broad and enriching English curriculum, equipping them with the skills to succeed in their future education and beyond.

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