Kingfishers 2024 - 2025
Mrs Buckley
Mrs Armitt
Welcome to Kingfishers Class
We are a Year 3 class who are taught by Mrs Buckley and Mrs Armitt.
This is what we will be learning about in the Spring term:
Multiplication and Division
Multiples of 10; Related calculations; Reasoning about multiplication; multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – no exchange; multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – with exchange; Link multiplication and division; divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – no exchange; Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – flexible partitioning; Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – with remainders; Scaling.
Length & Perimeter
Measure in metres and centimetres; Measure in millimetres; Measure in centimetres and millimetres; Metres; centimetres and millimetres; Equivalent lengths (metres and centimetres); Equivalent lengths (centimetres and millimetres); Compare lengths; add lengths; subtract lengths; what is perimeter? Measure perimeter; Calculate perimeter.
Understand the denominators of unit fractions; Compare and order unit fractions; Understand the numerators of non-unit fractions; Understand the whole; Compare and order non-unit fractions; Fractions and scales; Fractions on a number line; Count in fractions on a number line; Equivalent fractions on a number line; Equivalent fractions as bar models.
Mass & Capacity
Use scales; Measure mass in grams; Measure mass in kilograms and grams; Equivalent masses (kilograms and grams); Compare mass; Add and subtract mass; Measure capacity and volume in millilitres; Measure capacity and volume in litres and millilitres.
In English we will be looking at the text ’Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith as well as the text ‘Jemmy Button’ by Jennifer Uman and Valerio Vidali.
Rhythm of the Rain is a language-rich picture book where we will become immersed through the illustrations it holds. We will be creating a settings narrative and an information leaflet whilst focussing on paragraphs, prepositions, similes and using conjunctions. We will learn the difference between a synonym and an antonym.
Through the text ‘Jemmy Button’, we will look at writing letter writing and writing a return narrative. We will be focussing on fronted adverbials, conjunctions and modifying adjectives.
In this Science topic, the children will discover the different types of rocks and how they are formed. They will compare and group rocks based on appearance and simple properties. The class will learn how fossils are formed and learn about the contribution of Mary Anning to the field of palaeontology. We will learn about how soil is formed and then investigate the permeability of different types of soil.
Forces and Magnets
We are going to learn about forces, friction and magnetic attraction. We will learn about forces of pushing and pulling and will identify different actions as pushes or pulls. We will investigate friction, by exploring the movement of a toy car over different surfaces. Following this, the children will conduct an investigation into the strength of different types of magnets. They will have chance to explore the way magnetic poles can attract and repel in an exciting activity, making their own compass and using it to find hidden items. We will develop their scientific enquiry skills, making observations, predictions and conclusions
We will learn about the development of the Railways in Great Britain giving them the opportunity to find out about the history of the railways and significant early locomotives. We will investigate some important historical events, such as the opening of the first passenger carrying railway lines and the Rainhill Trials and some of the key people who were influential in the development of the railways. In addition to this, the children will learn about the development of locomotive technology and examine the differences between steam, diesel and electric locomotives.
Land Use
The children will be taking the chance to take a careful look at the places around them and beginning to look for patterns in land use. They will become cartographers, making maps of the local area and agricultural surveyors by considering where different types of farming activities occur within the UK.
Word Processing
The children will begin to learn about some important computer skills and the children will learn about screenshots and the Snipping Tool, and they will secure their use of passwords. The children will learn the teaching basic word-processing skills then learn to use various features for formatting text.
Internet Research Communication
The children will learn how to effectively search using key words and how to safely communicate online. We will learn the importance of word order when searching, how to examine the results returned and how to distinguish between a reliable and unreliable website or webpage. The class will identify ways of communicating online, how they can keep safe and the importance of being responsible while communicating online with others.
This ‘Bodies’ themed unit will teach the class about how to use pen, charcoal, felt tip, make maquettes, make paper clothes and sculpt Giacometti-inspired models to create quality artwork that shows progression in skills. The children will also have the opportunity to explore the work of ‘Bodies’ artists Julian Opie, Alberto Giacometti and Henry Moore.
Design and Technology:
Mechanical Posters
In D.T., the children will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of mechanical systems. They will follow instructions on how to make different types of lever and linkage mechanisms, then using the information to develop their own ideas. The children will sketch a design based on their ideas, make a prototype, and then create their ‘Lever and Linkage Poster’ using the context of recycling. Finally, children will evaluate their finished product.
Religious Education:
In RE this half term we will focus on exploring the concept on incarnation through Jesus’ miracles.
Easter - Salvation
In RE this term, we will be focusing on the concept of Salvation. We will be answering questions on: Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?
Our School
In French this term, the children will learn to the vocabulary for school places and classroom objects; they will take part in a PE-themed lesson conducted mostly in French and will combine learning to express preferences about activities and school subjects.
In our Music lessons this term, our class will be understanding the pentatonic scale pitch
through composing, notating and reading graphic notation. They practise performing a pentatonic song with tuned and untuned accompaniment.
For the second part of the term, we will be exploring, identifying and performing an ostinato. They will be recognising and layering rhythm.
Think Positive
The children have already learnt about feelings, both comfortable and uncomfortable and how our attitude towards life can affect our mental health. We will be learning about themes such as thinking positively and calmly, managing difficult emotions, taking responsibility for decisions and developing a growth mindset approach to learning.
Digital Wellbeing
It is important for your child to understand and learn about digital wellbeing. They will consider what we use the Internet for and the benefits and risks of online activities. This will include screen time and getting a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Your child will learn about online relationships, including cyberbullying and online stranger danger. Privacy issues will be explored in terms of passwords, personal information and the sharing or forwarding of images and videos. We will also learn about pressures and challenges that are often associated with social media.
Physical Education:
The children will have two P.E. sessions. Indoor PE will be taught on a Monday and Outdoor PE will be taught on a Tuesday.
On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be all plain black or all plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.
Indoor – Circuit Training
The children will be focussed on different types of exercise, participating in a range of activities that focus on the upper body, lower body and core muscles. The children will learn about aerobic and anaerobic exercise and will be asked to continually consider the benefits gained through participating in these.
Indoor - Badminton
Your child will learn a variety of different net and wall techniques, using badminton as the specific focus. The children will progress their racket skills, footwork steps and attack and defence skills to use in a full match.
Outdoor – Hockey
The class will learn the basic skills players need to play hockey. The children will learn how to pass, receive and travel with the ball as well as tackle and shoot. They will develop their understanding of the principles of attacking and defending in invasion games.
Outdoor – Outdoor Adventurous Activity
The children will learn the skills needed for outdoor adventurous activities, including teamwork, problem-solving, communication and orienteering. They will be given the opportunity to complete a range of different activities, including scavenger hunts, blindfolded challenges, map reading and map drawing exercises.
Maths: Maths homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Thursday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask for all children to continue to access Times Table Rockstars online to practice and improve instant recall of key multiplication and related division facts.
English: English homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Thursday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask that the children also engage frequently with Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.
Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. Children will be able to select from or be provided with quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.