Robins 2024 - 2025
Miss Wright
Welcome to Robins Class
We are a Year 1 class who are taught by Miss Wright, supported by Mrs Lister.
This is what we will be learning about in the Autumn term:
Number - number and place value: Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number, identify one more and one less. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens. Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs
Number - addition and subtraction: present and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20, read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs. Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ☐ – 9.
Geometry - properties of shapes: 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres] 2-D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles]
In Autumn A, we will be preparing for writing by recapping on some basic skills such as finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types using high quality texts. In the first half of the term, we will be looking at the books Stanley’s Stick, Beegu, Peace at Last and The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
In Autumn B, we will continue our writing journey by using our phonics knowledge to write sentences. The children will listen to sentences based on their phonic sounds for the week and then write their own, consolidating their learning.
Animals Including Humans
We will learn about five of the groups that scientists use to classify animals: mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. The children will learn to identify the group an animal belongs to by its features and will classify animals according to their group. They will also learn about the different diet animals eat. Children will learn about the parts of the human body and have the opportunity to explore the five senses through simple investigations.
Seasonal Changes (Autumn and Winter)
We will be learning about the four seasons, with a particular focus on autumn and winter. Children will learn what the word weather means and find out how different types of weather can be measured. We will use a class weather station to observe measure and record the weather across the seasons and we’ll also observe changes across the seasons by exploring the signs of autumn and winter through nature and wildlife.
Nurturing Nurses
This Nurturing Nurses unit will teach the children about the influential nurses Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. It asks children to establish what makes a person significant, explores and compares the lives and work of these nurses and considers how these individuals have influenced nursing today.
Our School
We will begin our geographical journey around the world, starting with our immediate environment and building on the firm foundations from the Early Years Foundation Stage. We will explore our school environment at Weston using first-hand observation and experience to further and enhance awareness of the local area. Part of this learning will include essential map skills and fieldwork.
Computing Skills
This unit will teach the children the basic computer skills that they will need in order to be able to use a desktop or laptop computer. They will learn how to use a computer mouse or a trackpad and how to switch on and shut down a computer. They will apply their mouse or trackpad skills by launching applications, manipulating windows and opening and saving files and folders. The children will then practise their clicking skills and learn how to drag objects, either using a mouse or trackpad.
We will learn about portraits and use a variety of different materials and techniques when creating our own self-portraits. The children will look at the work of Pablo Picasoo, Henri Matisse and Andy Warhol. They will then take inspiration from these artists and create their own self-portrait.
Design and Technology:
The children will get the chance to make their very own models of playground equipment. They will explore different types of playground equipment, how they move and what they are made of, as well as exploring different ways of joining materials together.
Religious Education:
Christianity: The Creation Story
We will be learning to re-tell the Christian Creation story and to explore how this influences how Christians behave towards nature and the environment.
Christianity: Christmas
The children will revisit the Christmas story and discuss what gifts they might have given Jesus if he was born in Crewe and not Bethlehem.
Exploring Sounds: Ourselves
The children will be creating and responding to vocal sounds. The children will develop their skills of singing while performing actions, and create an expressive story.
Beat: Number
The class will develop a sense of steady beat through using movement, body percussion and instruments.
Exploring Sounds: Weather
In addition to rehearsing for our Christmas performance, the children will use their voices, movement and instruments to explore different ways that music can be used to describe the weather.
Pitch: Animals
In addition to rehearsing four our Christmas performance, the second musical element of autumn b is developing an understanding of pitch by using movement, voice and instruments. The children will begin to identify contrasting high and low pitches, and create animal chant sound and sequences.
Relationships: Team
This unit is inspired by the idea that if a team works well together, it has a positive impact on all of its members and what they can achieve. It aims to enable the children to develop successful collaborative working skills, such as good listening. In this unit, children learn about the importance of being kind to others, the effects of bullying and teasing and what to do about it if they see it happening, or it happens to them. They will also think about effective learning skills and how to identify good and not-so-good choices.
Living in the Wider World: Money Matters
This unit encourages children to think about where money comes from and how it can be used. Children will discuss the idea of spending and saving their money and begin to understand why it is important to keep belongings, including money, safe. They will also learn about the different things on offer when they go shopping and how we need to identify the difference between the things we want and the things we need.
Physical Education:
Outdoor PE (Monday) Throwing and Catching.
Indoor PE (Wednesday): Gymnastics.
Autumn B – Indoor: Circuit Training (Day TBC)
Autumn B – Outdoor: Invasion Games (Day TBC)
On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.
Maths: If we feel your child needs to consolidate or finish their work, we will send a copy for you to complete with your child at home. In addition to any homework given, children can access maths games (NumBots) to help improve mathematical fluency. We will post Talk Maths homework activities on Class Dojo. This is a great way for your child to share the skills and strategies they are using in school. We would also encourage you to practise the 2,5 and 10 times tables at home with your child. 5 minutes at breakfast or in the car is a great way to add it in to your day without it becoming too onerous.
English: Spellings will be a combination of the sounds that we have learnt that week and common exception words. The expectation will be that your child works on a weekly spelling list of spellings. A range of games will be sent out at the beginning of the term to help with learning.
Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. Children will be able to select from or provided with quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.