
Geography is planned in accordance with the National Curriculum.

The Geography curriculum is divided into four main areas:

Locational knowledge – Place knowledge – Human and physical geography – Geographical skills and fieldwork

Key Stage 1 pupils are taught to:

- name and locate the world’s seven continents, five oceans, and four countries and capital cities of the UK and its surrounding area

- understand geographical similarities and differences

- identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK and the location of hot and cold areas of the world

- use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features and key human features

- use world maps, atlases and globes

- use simple compass directions and locational and directional language

- use aerial photographs and plan perspectives

- use simple fieldwork and observational skills.

Key Stage 2 pupils are taught to:

- locate the world’s countries

- name and locate counties and cities of the UK

- identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator and so on

- understand geographical similarities and differences

- describe and understand key aspects of physical geography and human geography

- use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied

- use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key

- use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods.

Geographical knowledge, skills and understanding are taught through high-quality, discrete lessons, which are planned to build on and develop prior learning. We take advantage of our local area to complete local and field study activities.

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