Owls 2024 - 2025

Mr Robinson


Welcome to Owls Class


We are a Year 5 class who are taught by Mr Robinson, supported by Mrs Inskip.

This is what we will be learning about in the Spring term:



Multiplication and Division: Multiplying 3-digit by 2-digit, 4-digit by 2-digit; Divide 4-digit by 1-digit and including remainders; Solving multiplication and division problems.

Fractions:  Multiply unit and non-unit fractions; Multiple mixed numbers by integers; Fractions of amounts.

Decimals and Percentages: Write decimals to decimal places; Equivalent fractions and decimals to tenths, hundreds and thousands; Round to one decimal place; Percentage to decimals to fractions.

Measure – Perimeter and Area: Perimeter of rectangles, of rectilinear shapes and of polygons; Area of rectangles and of compound shapes.

Graphs and Tables: Draw, read and interpret line graphs; Read and interpret tables, two-way tables and timetables.



We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types through the use of the following quality texts:

 Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle. We will examine two versions of this classic tale: Narrative and Graphic Novel.

The Promise by Nicola Davies. This text will inspire newspaper and narrative writing.



Living Things and Their Habitats

In the Living things and their habitats unit we will learn about the process of reproduction and the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds.


Scientists and Inventors

They will learn about the life and work of David Attenborough. Going on to learn about how CSI technicians use scientific techniques to analyse evidence and prove or disprove theories. s. Children will find out about Margaret Hamilton and her invention of the software and computer code that enabled Apollo 11 to go the Moon. Whilst also looking at the lives and works of: Eva Crane, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephanie Kwolek and Leonardo DaVinci.



Leisure and Entertainment

In this topic we will learn about We will examine Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th Century, cinema, football, the 'Swinging Sixties' and British holiday camps.  We will also order significant events in sport on a timeline of the 20th century. Whilst also communicating information about the golden age of cinema. 



Exploring Eastern Europe

In Geography next half term, we will explore the contrasting areas of eastern Europe, examining landscape, climate and locations in each area. We will be focusing on an array of ideas such as: describing a continent as a large landmass, explaining that continents are groups of countries whilst also identifying some countries in Europe. Throughout this unit we will also be focussing on our Atlas work and finding countries on a map.



Radio Station

This unit allows children to use software and digital devices. We will be using software and digital devices for recording sound. Based around the theme of a Radio Station, it is designed to encourage a creative approach that includes interviewing, making adverts and using jingles.



The Seaside

In Art, the children will have the opportunity to explore the work of the artist Alfred Wallis. They will be developing skills in weaving, drawing and clay modelling to name a few.


Design and Technology:

Global Food

In DT, the children will discover the exciting and diverse choice of food available around the world. They will have an opportunity for children to learn where in the world a variety of ingredients flourish. The children will understand the Eatwell plate, placing different ingredients into the correct food groups. They will develop a deeper understanding that although food can be extremely varied, it still comes under the same basic food groups. 


Religious Education:



Hindu Beliefs:How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?


Salvation: How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die?



Life Cycles

In our Music lessons this term, Aqua Class will be developing musical skills through experiencing various genres, including gospel. We will also be looking at accompanying songs through tuned and untuned instruments.

Keeping Healthy

For the second part of the term, we will be listening to music with focus and analysing using musical vocabulary. We will be listening to music, focusing on different tempos. We will be composing a song using a range of different rhythms.


Physical Education:

The children will have two P.E. sessions. Outdoor PE will be taught on a Wednesday. In the Spring term children will be learning Basketball skills and learning how to play tennis. Indoor PE will be taught on a Thursday. The children will taking part in gymnastics and circuit training.

On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.


M.F.L. - French:

Friends and Family

The children will learn about the areas such as animals, homes and family to extend their conversation abilities. They will learn how French adjectives must ‘agree’ with the noun they describe, in relation to both number and gender. We will further learn out more about possessive adjectives and explain a family network in detail.



Health and Wellbeing – Think Positive

The children will further develop their understanding about thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative. Their learning will centre around themes such as the links between their thoughts, feelings and emotions, making good choices and mindfulness and applying a growth mindset approach to life.

 Relationships – Digital Wellbeing

The children will consider ways they can use the Internet positively and how they can look after their wellbeing while being online. They will learn about potential risks of being online and when using digital technologies as well as strategies to stay safe and to get help. We will also learn about online relationships and what a respectful and healthy online relationship looks like, as well as signs of an inappropriate online relationship and ways to get help. 



Maths: Maths homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask for all children to continue to access Times Table Rockstars online to practice and improve instant recall of key multiplication and related division facts.

English: English homework will be set via Class DoJo on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. We ask that the children also engage frequently with Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.

Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial. The children will be provided with or able to select from quality texts appropriate for their age and ability.

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