The Wind in the Willows

The Year Five children put on two wonderful performances of The Wind in the Willows this week for an audience of parents and relatives. They have worked incredibly hard with their teachers over the last few weeks to rehearse and polish the performance in which they all played either Mole, Ratty or Toad. They were absolutely brilliant and their choral singing was phenomenal.
We worked out that this was their first live performance at school since they sang in a Christingle at the church in December of Year 2. Mrs Loveland pointed out that the lyrics from one of the songs were particularly poignant as we pass the 2 year anniversary of the first Covid-related school ‘closure’ – ‘there’s nothing quite like friends together’ is particularly true when you consider the mass segregation that has dominated the last 2 years. School should provide opportunities like this for children to shine together and be a cohesive and successful team.

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