Earth Day

For World Earth Day and the children have been furthering their understanding of the environmental and climate challenges that we all face and the importance of the planet - our only planet. Our Year 6 Eco Ambassadors led an assembly for Red class all about Earth Day and this year's theme - Restore Our Earth. The children thought about ways that they had helped or could help to restore our earth, such as planting trees and picking up litter.

Lovell Homes, who we have worked closely with since they started the Weston Woods housing development next to the school, have provided every child in the school with a wildflower seed sheet and bee colouring sheet for Earth Day. Planting wildflowers helps to restore our planet by providing bees with somewhere to thrive. Bee populations are at risk yet they are vital in terms of pollinating food crops and other trees and plants that form habitats for wildlife. Laura from Lovell came to see us with the seeds and took the opportunity to look at our Forest School area and some of the natural habitats we have on our school grounds.


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