We consider that the main purpose of religious education is to help children to develop an understanding of themselves and others through an exploration of fundamental questions and the ways in which the various faiths seek to respond to them. Through RE lessons, the children gain an insight into the nature of religion and what it means to be religious through an exploration of religious ideas and practices and related human experience. In teaching RE we seek to promote the positive attitudes and personal qualities of enthusiasm, curiosity, reflection, respect and tolerance, which we consider to be essential for effective learning.
We provide factual information about religions and religious belief and explore themes, which help to develop sensitivity towards spiritual, moral, social and religious issues. As part of the Locally Agreed Syllabus, the main focus in Key Stage 1 is Christianity and Judaism. In Key Stage 2 the main focus is Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The programme of study is based on the beliefs, practices and values of each of these faiths. RE is taught as a discrete subject and is organised into six half termly units, each with a specific focus, that build on prior learning.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils explore themes which deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, planning, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to adults and each other. Ways of helping to develop their sensitivity to spiritual, moral and religious issues are through encouraging:
- self esteem
- feeling of responsibility to self and others
- a sense of belonging
- caring for each other
- caring for the environment
At Weston we endeavour to embrace all aspects of an inclusive school and community. In RE we are committed in giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards, regardless of their race, gender, social background, religious background or whether they are looked after, gifted, talented, disabled or have a learning difficulty.
Nevertheless, in accordance with 1988 Education Act, parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education. This should be done in consultation with the Headteacher and with regard to the specific elements of the programme of study from which they should be withdrawn. Provision will be made for the supervision of such children.