Purple 2023 - 2024

Mrs Buckley

Welcome to Purple Class


We are a Year 1 class who are taught by Mrs Buckley, supported by Mrs Lister.

This is what we will be learning about in the Summer term:


Multiplication and Division: Count in 2s; Count in 10s; Count in 5s; Recognise equal groups; Add equal groups; Make arrays; Make doubles; Make equal groups – grouping; Make equal groups – sharing.

Fractions: Recognise a half of an object or a shape; Find a half of an object or a shape; Recognise a half of a quantity; Find a half of a quantity; Recognise a quarter of an object or shape; Find a quarter of an object or shape; Recognise a quarter of a quantity; Find a quarter of a quantity.

Position and Direction: Describe turns; Describe position – left and right; Describe position – forwards and backwards; Describe position; above and below; Ordinal numbers.

Place Value (within 100): Count from 50-100; Partition into tens and ones; The number line to 100; 1 more and 1 less; Compare numbers with the same number of tens; Compare any two numbers.

Money: Unitising; Recognise coins; Recognise notes; Count in coins.

Time: Before and after; Days of the week; Months of the year; Hours, minutes and seconds; Tell the time to the hour; Tell the time to the half hour.




We will continue to practice the skills needed for writing by recapping on the basic skills such as finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

We will develop our reading and writing skills across a range of genres and text types through the use of the following quality texts:

The Secret of Black Rock, by Joe Todd-Stanton. The children will use this text, and others, to create a return story and postcards.

The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. This text will inspire a hunting story and recipes.



Seasonal Changes (Spring and Summer)

This unit will teach your class all about spring and summer. The children will learn about the changes that can be seen between spring and summer, as well as across all four seasons. They will go on a nature walk to observe some of these changes. They will learn about what weather is and the weather that is associated with each season. They will observe and collect data about the weather. ‘Working scientifically’ and enquiry skills are incorporated throughout the unit, including using simple equipment, making observations and gathering data.


In this unit about plants, the children will learn to name the basic parts of a plant, including seeds. They will have the opportunity to plant their own seeds and to make observations of how they grow over time. The children will also learn to identify, name and describe a variety of garden and wild plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. In their final lesson, the children will use all of their knowledge gained throughout the topic to identify, compare and classify plants.



Significant Explorers

In this unit, the children explore why some people are considered to be significant before going on to learn about some significant explorers. The children learn about the explorations of Ibn Battuta, an explorer who lived around 700 years ago and about Matthew Henson, a famous polar explorer who may have been the first man to step foot on the North Pole. They compare Matthew Henson’s polar exploration to a much more recent exploration by Felicity Aston, the first person to walk across Antarctica alone on skis using her own power. Learning about Neil Armstrong, the space explorer, looks, not only at his achievements, but asks the children to explore if it is right that Neil Armstrong should be remembered more than the others involved in the Apollo 11 mission. Finally, the children investigate how we remember significant people and how values may change over time in relation to this.



Our Local Area

This unit will teach the children about their locality beyond the school gate, building on the children’s knowledge and understanding of their school environment from the Autumn term. The children will explore their local area using first hand observation to enhance their locational awareness along with developing essential map and fieldwork skills.



Word Processing Skills

This unit will teach the children basic typing and word processing skills. The children will learn how to type with two hands, use the shift, space and enter key properly, and edit work by using the backspace, delete and arrow keys. The children will then go on to learn how to use undo and redo and to select and format text.

Using and Applying

This unit reinforces the skills taught throughout the year. The children are given the opportunity to use their skills in a new context and apply them with the software they are familiar with, in order to reinforce their learning. This unit focus primarily on the previous units of Computer Skills, Word Processing and Painting.



Colour Chaos

This unit will teach the class about choosing, using and mixing their own colours to create quality art work that shows progression in skills. The children will have the opportunity to explore the life and work of six key abstract artists and, working primarily in paint, to create pieces in a range of abstract styles.


Design and Technology:

Moving Pictures

This unit gives the children opportunities to develop their understanding of mechanisms. The children listen to and role play different Traditional Tales and then learn how sections of the stories can be made into a moving picture. Following instructions on how to make different types of mechanisms, such as levers, wheels and sliders, the children are given experience and information to draw on when developing their own ideas. They sketch a design based on their ideas and then create their moving picture centred on the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’ The children will then evaluate their finished product.


Religious Education:

Judaism: Shabbat

Looking to be able to answer the question ‘Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?’, the children will learn to understand what Jewish children do during Shabbat and why it is important to them.


Judaism:  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The question ‘Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?’ is posed to the children who will then learn about and begin to understand what Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mean to Jewish children.




Story time: Exploring sounds

The children will be able to identify the contrasts of fast and slow, loud and quiet and will be able to lead a performance.

Our Bodies: Beat

The children will develop a sense of steady beat, learn to use body percussion and they will respond to music and play rhythm patters on body percussion

Travel: Performance

The children will learn to develop performance skills and to sing songs about travel.

Water: Pitch

The children will learn to use voices, movement and instruments to explore changes in pitch, and, they will develop a performance with different vocal pitch shaped and tuned percussion.



Physical Education:

Outdoor PE (Tuesday): Sports Day Practise (athletics); Multi-skills – running and jumping.

Indoor (Monday): Gymnastics – Traditional Tales; Yoga – Salute to the Sun.

On these days, the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform: navy shorts and light blue t-shirt; navy tracksuit and light blue t-shirt. No logos or football kits. Trainers should be plain black or plain white. All long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed.



Living in the Wider World

Diverse Britain: This unit is inspired by the idea that individuals can have a positive impact on groups and communities to which they belong. It aims to enable the children to identify that they belong to various groups and communities and ways in which they contribute positively to these. In this unit, the children learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. They will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful of our differences.

Health and Wellbeing

It’s My Body: This unit explores choices that the children can make about looking after their bodies. The lessons look at key areas where the children can make safer choices: their body, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. The children will learn facts about each of these areas and learn strategies to manage them. The message of choice and consent runs through the unit and the children are encouraged to get help from trusted adults when necessary.


Maths: If we feel your child needs to consolidate or finish their work, we will send a copy for you to complete with your child at home. In addition to any homework given, children can access maths games (NumBots, TTRockstars) to help improve mathematical fluency and to engage and improve times table knowledge. We will post ‘Talk Maths’ homework activities on Class Dojo. This is a great way for your child to share the skills and strategies they are using in school. We would also encourage you to practise the 2,5 and 10 X tables at home with your child. 5 minutes at breakfast or in the car is a great way to add it in to your day without it becoming too onerous. Any homework will be set on Tuesday to be completed by the following Monday.

English: Spelling Shed logins are in the reading diaries. The expectation will be that your child works on a weekly spelling list of spellings. There are activities and games on the website to support the learning of these spellings. Spelling related activities will take place in school throughout the week. A list of weekly spellings will be posted on Class Dojo along with the weekly homework.

Reading: At Weston, we encourage children to develop a lifelong love for reading. We ask for children to read regularly at home to adults and to themselves. Reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please send your child in with their books each day as they could be heard reading any day of the week. Reading is fundamental to the wider academic and personal development of children and the need for children to read widely from a broad and challenging range of texts is crucial.

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